Sunday 14 June 2015

Stapeliad flower

Here are a couple of photos of Duvalia polita N.E. Br of the Asclepiadoideae subfamily of the Apocynaceae, which used to be its own family of Asclepiadaceae. I grew it under fluorescent lights from 2013 to 2014 and it flowered abundantly for quite a long time. It started getting a fungal disease in some parts of the plant and I decided I could use the space better as it had started to sprawl all over the place, The flowers are very variable in colour and some are spotty. All of mine were this dark chocolate-purple, these being the only photos that more-or-less got it. Other variations can be seen under the entry at the SI Database at

The seed came from the seed list of the marvellous International Asclepiad Society. Worth being a member for that alone, let alone the glossy magazine.